Some of Cathy's Awards
International Society of Scratchboard Artists Annual Exhibitions - Master Level Division
2012 - Award of Excellence - "Blue and Gold"
2013 - Award of Excellence - "The Enlightened"
2014 - Award of Excellence - "Watching Me, Watching You"
2016 - Best in Show "Gold" Award and People's Choice Award - "At the End of the Rainbow"
2018 - Award of Excellence - "What's Up, Buttercup?"
2019 - People's Choice Award - "Whooo Goes There?"
2020 - Best in Show "Gold" Award- "Aglow" and People's Choice Award "Bliss in a Kiss"
2021 - Silver Award
- "Furled"
Society of Animal Artists
2009 - Award of Excellence - "The Hypnotist"
2018 - Award of Excellence - "Attention to Details"
Greeley Stampede Invitational Western Art Show
2009 - Artwork selected for Promotional Poster - "Roping Box Readiness" and People's Choice Award
2010 - People's Choice Award
2011 - People's Choice Award and Artist's Choice Award "Bee-Mused"
2012 - People's Choice Award
2013 - People's Choice Award
2014 - People's Choice Award
2019 - People's Choice Award
Art Festival Booth Awards
2009 - Best in Show - Parker, CO "Art in the Park"
2010 - First Place- Parker, CO "Art in the Park"
2014 - First Place- Parker, CO "Art in the Park"
2015 - Best in Show - Estes Park, CO "Labor Day Art Show"
2021 - Best in Show - Golden, CO "Fine Art Festival"
Misc Other Awards
2008 - OVAL Kentucky National Wildlife Art Exhibit - Reserve Best In Show
2010 - OVAL Kentucky National Wildlife Art Exhibit - Best In Show (Kentucky Wildlife Artist Award)
2010 - Lines Into Shapes Exhibit - Mayor's Award and Len Taylor Memorial Award
2011 - Women Artists Of the West Annual Exhibition - Southwest Art Magazine Award of Excellence
2011 - Bennington Center for the Arts "Art and the Animal Kingdom XVI" - Viewer's Choice Award
2011 - Lines Into Shapes Exhibit - First Place Drawing and Len Taylor Memorial Award
2012 - BBC Wildlife Artist of the Year International Artist Category - 'Highly Commended Award'
2012 - American Academy of Equine Art Fall Juried Show - Winner of the Graphics Division
2012 - OVAL Kentucky National Wildlife Art Exhibit - John Richard Warren Award and A. D. & Barbara Sprague Award
2015 - Art Renewal Center - Award of Excellence
2015 to 2018 - Artist in Resident at Hiram Blauvelt Wildlife Art Museum
2016 - Art Renewal Center - Award of Excellence
2019 - Colorado Governor's Show - Award of Excellence
2020 - Art Renewal Center - Award of Excellence